Symbolism Figure of Speech in English literature, with Literary Examples

 Symbolism In English literature.

1,Symbolism(علامت+ Definition): Symbolism is an idea(Figure of Speech), things represent other things. For example, Red ♥️ colour represents Love( Romance).

A symbol is an object, person, situation, or action that represents something beyond its literal meaning. It is a tangible or visible entity used to convey abstract ideas or qualities.

2, Origin of Symbolism:

Symbolism initially developed as a French literary movement in the 1880s, gaining popular credence with the publication in 1886 of Jean Moréas' manifesto in Le Figaro(Newspaper of France)

3. Types of Symbolism:

   i) Religious Symbolism ii)Romantic Symbolism

       iii) Emotional Symbolism 


4, Functions: Symbolism is a powerful figure of speech frequently used in English literature to convey deeper meanings and evoke emotions. It involves the use of objects, characters, settings, or actions to represent abstract ideas or concepts. 

5, Literary Examples::

           Here are some common examples of symbolism in English literature:

i)The "scarlet letter" in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter" symbolizes the sin and shame associated with adultery.

ii)The "rose" in William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" symbolizes love and beauty amidst the tragic circumstances.

iii)The "clock" in Virginia Woolf's novel "Mrs. Dalloway" symbolizes the passage of time and the inevitability of aging and mortality.

   Professor Syed Ishfaq Ahmad Shah GDC PANIALA higher education department PESHAWAR KPK, subscribe to our YouTube channel n follow our Facebook page, on the same title (Hybrid English learning Empire)

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